We know too well how the pressures of life and living day to day makes opportunities to reflect on and consider the understanding that our unique journeys have brought us to seem few and far between. As we continue on our journeys to know ourselves better and better, let’s create the space in our lives by choice and deliberate action. To be fair, taking the time to read this is already a step taken in that direction. So read on and see what you discover about you!

What To Do:
1. Take a look at the Thought Prompt above ⬆️.
2. Choose 1 word that resonates strongly for you.
3. Take 5-10 minutes to engage in judgement free reflection about your word’s meaning, associations, relevance, manifestations, feelings it brings up, memories it brings forward, dreams it connects to….
You May Want To:
Write it out.
Record it.
Paint it.
Put on music.
Find a quiet spot.
Put on your snuggie/Wrap up in your favorite blanket.
Sit in a park.
I Encourage You To:
Trust your stream of consciousness.
Resist the need to edit or censor.
Appreciate what you find rather than judge what is there.
Remind yourself to “accept” as much and often as you need to.
Remember that greater awareness is the precursor to growth.
Remember that you are dynamic and in a regular process of growth and expansion.
Love yourself through it, no matter what. 😉
Be Good. Be Great. Be You.